The car is now done. It will need to go through a PBC (Post Build Check) where Caterham, or your dealer (Williams Automobiles for me), check the car over to make sure it is safe , and then an IVA (Individual Vehicle Approval) which is a government test carried out at an approved test center – there are multiple sites throughout the UK. Note you can present for IVA, or your dealer. I chose not to do this as I describe below. After an IVA pass, another few weeks of paperwork are needed to get the car fully registered, then it is ready to drive!
The only tasks left now are some small IVA preps. If you have followed the blog so far, you will most likely have covered the bulk of these already. There are a few extra things needed.
The Caterham IVA checklist is on the references page of this website. Print that out and go round the car checking everything off.
IVA checklist items not yet covered in blog, do at this point :
Nut cover on starter motor (no pic)
Apply trim to spare steering wheel mount on passenger side underneath the dash:

Apply scuttle trim to scuttle. Good idea to open up the scuttle trim a little with a screwdriver before you push it on (see airbox)

Apply scuttle trim to exhaust (and trim excess)

Apply scuttle trim and nut cover to exhaust mounting bracket

Apply clear tubing to prongs on exhaust

Apply nut covers to front suspension (Not all shown in these pictures)

In the above picture, note the other white penned bolt on the upright needs a nut cover (the bolt is approx 5-6cm to the left of the wingstay securing bolt. I used a glue gun to hold the nut cover to this, as none of the supplied covers would fit.
Boot on rear upper arm, secured with zip tie (similar to boot on ARB)

Secure tyre goo in boot

The bonnet also needs rubber covers adding to the catches, front and rear

Follow full Caterham IVA checklist and tick everything off as you go to verify. Please do not treat my list as exhaustive.
Note – I actually decided to duck out of the IVA myself. Everyone has different things that they like and dislike. The IVA just doesn´t sound like it fits my personality very well. It sounds like a largely box ticking exercise, which from prior experience (a large part of a former job) I know I absolutely hate. As this is supposed to be a fun project for me, I am getting the dealer that I bought the car from to take it to IVA for me after they have completed the Post Build Check. However, it is being presented by me to the garage largely IVA compliant. Williams, the dealer, will do some final IVA prep steps – such as removing the detachable steering wheel and replacing with an IVA compliant one. They collect the car from my house and dropped it back off when done using a covered trailer :