I have detachable steering which is slightly different and requires drilling the steering wheel out!
Before starting, try to get the steering as straight as possible
First, a word about bushes. There are two bushes in play here, and the manual says ´grease the bushes´. One is where the steering wheel meets the dashboard – you have to insert that bush yourself. The other bush is just before the pedal box and that has been preinstalled by Caterham.

Add some bearing grease to the inside white plastic insert on both of these bushes. When installing the steering column, the risk is that you catch the white plastic insert in the bush and knock it out of place. if you do this, it causes the white insert to have a smaller diameter which in turn will then mean the column pushes it out of place. If you do this, you can get the white plastic insert back into position, but make sure that you align it correctly. There are two white tabs, one on either end of the plastic insert as per the photos below. You need these tabs to align with the outside of the bush for the insert to click into place and expand to its full diameter.
Once you have added some bearing grease to the lower bush just by the pedal box, add some grease to both ends of the long steering column and start by sliding the long steering column through from the cockpit. Slide this all the way down to the UJ on the steering rack – check that you can get the bolt through the UJ to secure the column in place before proceeding. Make sure you insert this the right way round!

Now take the upper bush, add bearing grease to the inside of the bush and put some Holt´s rubber lubricant on the outside. You want to insert this into the dashboard – look closely and you will see pre-drilled holes while line up with the two small bumps on either side of the bush. Using the lubricant you should be able to push into position with your hands.

Making sure that the upper bush has been greased, now take the upper section of the steering column and very carefully slide it through from the cockpit, through to meet the long steering column that you have already installed. Having some grease in place makes it easier to slide this into position. You want the upper steering column to come all the way up to the upper bush. You may need to wiggle things around slightly to get this into position. Once done, torque the lower steering column to the universal joint.

Now you need to apply the clamp in the compartment by the pedal box. It can help to turn the steering slightly to allow easier access to the bolts.

Once finished, torque up the 4 bolts holding the steering rack to the car chassis to 11Nm.