In 2020 I built a Caterham and I thought it would be a nice idea to blog about it and try to make a contribution back to the wider community. There is already a very strong blogging culture with Caterhams and I read the blogs heavily in the year or two before building my own.
Before this I’ve never blogged before. I’ve never built a car before either. In fact my qualifications for building this car are precisely zero, which is basically one of the main reasons I did it! Follow anything contained here at your own risk and liability. Unlike a build diary format, I have gone back and corrected any mistakes I made in the build process, that I am aware of.
The good news is that the car passed the Post Build Check with no issues… so I wasn´t too far off!
My writing style varies throughout although is typically instructional, as if I was writing instructions for myself. Mainly so I can use this in case I build another Caterham in the future!!
Additionally I have segments on other things I learnt along the way – bear in mind that I don’t come from an engineering background or have any prior experience with mechanics, so you may find some of it stating the obvious but I have largely started from scratch! I also find I learn best by writing things down myself – there’s no way to fool yourself that you understand if you do that.
I hope you enjoy the blog and hopefully it may contribute something to a fellow builder in the future! Please feel free to leave me a comment or send an email if you have any questions…. [email protected]