Prep the front of the car before engine install. This covers everything from adding the IVA trim and steering rack at the beginning through to assembling front suspension – wishbones, dampers and uprights.
The headlights are a particularly fiddly job which took a lot of time to complete. Brakes hoses and horn were probably the easiest job but still with some stuff to catch you out if you let your guard down!
Plenty of bloopers including injury, swearing and snapping one of the ARB balls clean in two while scratching the car! I´ve also update my ¨manual corrections¨ which is like my notes on where I think the manual wasn´t spot on. Take that with a pinch of salt obviously as I am not a pro!
PBC hitlist for the front : Check torque on upper damper caphead bolt
Torque list for the front : Steering rack (to be done once steering column is in), upper and lower wishbones (to be done once car is on wheels)