This one really belongs in the bloopers section if I am being honest with myself. Im not happy at all with how it turned out, but I needed a steering wheel so had to give it a try. Here are my thoughts on it anyway! If anyone actually knows how to drill this out properly (I searched all blogs I could find, nothing in manual and nothing from Derek), Id be grateful for someone pointing out the best way to approach this.
I ordered the suede detachable momo steering wheel, it was about 300 quid extra. One of the reasons being security, the other just for novelty value I guess. Here are some key points that aren´t really made clear when you select this option:
- The detachable steering wheel is not IVA compliant, so for IVA you will need a normal steering wheel. I imagine that it gets swapped out at the PBC (Post Build Check). No biggie, but nice to know.
- You just get supplied with a blank steering wheel. You are then supposed to somehow center the detaching steering boss (provided with the upper steering column) onto this blank steering wheel and drill three 6mm holes through a 5mm thick steering wheel – there is no template/jig provided, and the only thing you have to guide you is a slight indentation in the middle on the back of the steering wheel.

Not being IVA compliant I was alright with, but in all honesty the fact the steering wheel itself wasn´t pre-drilled really pissed me off. Its a two hundred quid + steering wheel, Caterham could at least drill the bloody holes for you. I knew the odds of me getting a perfect alignment at home were slim.
I was supplied with three black button head M6 screws, but no nuts. A couple of emails to Derek on the topic went unanswered. So I thought ok, I need to put the steering wheel on to eventually get it on a trailer, in and out of garage etc, so I´ll give it a crack and just use some random nuts to hold in place until I can source something.
I spent several hours tracing copies of the boss which detaches from the steering column, making measurements and planning out how to do it. I put the steering wheel face down on the work bench, with strips of masking tape on the back. I then used a compass, like a 16 year old doing their maths GCSE, set to 25mm to draw a circle around the very small point which is marked in the middle of the steering wheel. This gave me a circle.

I then measured the width of the bottom part of the steering wheel, halved that, made a mark and drew a line straight up the middle, going through the mark in the center. This then crossed the original circle I drew with the compass. Perfect I thought, I have the first point. Drilled that, but by the time it is through on the other side, it looks out by maybe (you guessed it) 1-2mm. Picture of what I am left with below, I will definitely be raising this one at the PBC and I will gladly pay someone to drill a perfectly centered one for me. I have an eye for detail by nature so I dont really want to have this staring me in the face whenever I am in the car!
Why it does not come pre drilled for two hundred quid I have no idea! Rant over.

Maybe it will grow on me!!!