The handbrake cable has been danging loose. Now that the brakes have been bled, we can secure the handbrake cable to the A Frame and tighten the barrel adjuster so we can use the handbrake.
The handbrake should be down, ie released.
On the RHS you need to route the handbrake cable under the brake hose/T piece, securing to the A frame using the pieces of piping which are already on the cable, using cable ties. Then run the end up to the handbrake as shown :

On the LHS, you need to secure the handbrake cable so it doesn´t foul on the drive shafts. Easiest way is to remove the wooden boot floor again and zip tie to the top of the differential bracket – this doesn´t need to be hugely tight.

Then same as with the RHS, route it onto the A frame, underneath the driveshaft and secured with zip ties. Then the end up and into the brake caliper.

Now you need to get the clips over the handbrake hook. This can be a bit challenging. The barrel adjuster is key to doing this – that is the plastic bit which you twist to move up and down the handbrake cable which should be secured in the top of the differential bracket. There are two components, the one closest to the handbrake and a nut just behind it. Slacken both of these off by twisting anticlockwise to move them away from the differential bracket. With the handbrake down there should now be enough slack to fit the cable, one side at a time. Pull the cable towards you, twist it over the hook and then pull back down again.

Repeat this for the other side. Once this has been done, you can tighten the barrel adjuster again.

Now tighten the barrel adjuster back up and try the handbrake. Repeat this process til you can get the handbrake to engage fully (ie you cant pull it up any more) with about 4-5 clicks or whatever you prefer.

Now when you pull the handbrake up, you should see the brakes being engaged :