Final sense check. Make sure radiator is connected to wiring loom, all bolts on radiator are tight.
I used this opportunity to connect the front. There is a bag zip tied to the chassis at front LHS. Open this up, take the wires with purple and lead them down to the horn and plug in. There are also two econoseal connectors. I put some extra shrink wrap over the exposed wires on my wiring from the headlights, then fitted each terminal into the adapter, matching colour with what was on the other side of the terminal. Then push in the yellow piece, making sure to get it the right way around. The repeater from the front wing will need to be added later.
Now connect the battery. I have the master cut off switch. Connect Positive first (one wire). Then negative (two black wires). Note the bolts and nuts are not provided in any pack, Derek sent me some.

As per the manual, remove the caps from the battery to fit – when you do this do it slowly as they are easy to snap. You swap them around so the gap is at the front, then push them back on.
Now disconnect inertia switch :

I have cut off switch, put that and twist clockwise in correct position.

Keys in, the dongle on the keyring should deactivate immobiliser. Verify you have power. Note indicators won´t work yet as you haven´t done side repeaters and earth.
Verify that the gauges on your dashboard are plugged in. If they are not, the plug will look like this :

The back of the gauges look like this :

There are three grey plugs. Each plug has three terminals. The bottom terminal is a black wire (earth). The terminal on the LHS as you look at the plug is one or two green wires. The terminal on the RHS as you look at the plug is the data – this wire colour will vary on the three plugs as follows :
- Green with black stripe (Fuel)
- Green with blue stripe (Temperature)
- White with green stripe (Oil pressure)
Make sure these wires are plugged in to the correct dials. In my car, none of these were plugged in and Caterham had wired the temperature plug behind the fuel gauge and vice versa.
Turn the key and you will have power. Push and hold the start button. This will crank the engine. Wait for the oil pressure gauge to rise and steady out. I cranked for around 1 minute. My oil pressure gauge was not working – looking very closely it was hanging around zero, twitching very very rapidly. Great. When I plugged in a different connector the gauge worked fine. I am guessing it is the sender or wiring that isnt working so this will need trouble shooting at PBC.
Turn keys off, turn off cut off switch.
I checked the oil again and satisfied it is just a broken gauge, decided to reconnect inertia switch. Then turn cut off switch again, keys in, sit in the car for the full effect!! Make sure you are not in gear. With the inertia switch plugged in this time, you will hear the fuel pump whirring this time as you go through these steps.
Then hit the start button.
Car should start after a few coughs, which mine did!