Horns first :
The horns should be in the box with the lights. Get them out and the relevant washer/bolt as per manual which for me was in Pack C.
Put the horn in a vice and very slightly loosen the bolt off to allow horn to spin on the spacer/mounting arm. Then bolt to chassis, making sure horns are not touching and the connectors are facing towards each other.

Front Brake hoses :
The brake hoses come in the same box as the suspension. Two bags will contain identical contents and the same width hose. A third bag will contain the rear brake hose, put this back in the box and lay out the contents of one front brake hose bag on the workbench.

You do not need the two thin washers or the slightly smaller adapter which are placed in the small bag in the picture above. Get the plain washer and shake proof washer (top right) from Pack A. Get the wider copper washer from the bag which comes in the uprights box.
Make sure that you use the copper washes from the upright box, these are slightly wider than the ones which are supplied in the small bags which come with the brake hoses. You also want to make sure you use the correct adapter – the below picture shows how you can tell which is the correct one

Use the adapter on the right, and the copper washer on the right. Best way to tell the difference is the ridge on the right adapter which is not present on the left. This ridge helps correctly seat the copper washer when you connect to the brake caliper. This will be a much snugger fit in the caliper as well, if you fit the adapter on the left it will move around a little.
Begin by fitting the adapter and copper washer to the brake caliper. Make sure that the washer is seated correctly (image on right) or you will lose brake fluid later! The image on the left below you can see the ridge still visible between the copper washer and the nut on the adapter – you do not want this.
INCORRECT – note you can still see the ridge CORRECT – the washer is seated properly outside the ridge
Now put the plain washer on the brake hose and thread through the hole in the bodywork. On the other side, add the shake proof washer and nut (the nut is 9/16¨ so use appropriate spanner) and tighten.

Once you have tightened this nut, attached brake hose to caliper

On the inside of the car you need to carefully screw the brake pipe onto the thread. It is easy to cross thread this as the brake pipe can be pointing at a different direction to the thread, you may need to bend the brake pipe slightly or loosen the nut on the adapter in the body to allow some wiggle room to get the brake pipe connected. Screw this up, then tighten all connections one last time.
Make sure that you check that you can do full lock on both sides on the steering and the brake hose does not foul on the suspension/dampers – if they do, you need to loosen the nuts holding the brake hose and twist it around.