Rear Axle stands :

I used a microfibre cloth on top of each axle stand, folded back on itself one and secured down with zip ties. When jacking the back of the car you are supposed to do it underneath the rear anti roll bar (ARB), when it is installed. When the car first arrives this is obviously not fitted. Be very careful about where you place a jack as you may bend the chassis. If possible use spare axle stands, or a friend, to lift the car yourself. Whatever you do, don´t jack in the middle of the cross member just in front of the fuel tank.

On the front I made sure to put the legs of the mobile axle stands far enough apart that I can get the trolley jack in the middle … this will save swearing later on when I need to bring the car back down. Note I later swapped out that flimsy cardboard protection for microfibre cloths as with the back axle stands.
Note you can also jack placing the jack underneath the tow hooks – they are strong enough to take the weight.